Password manager: benefits of using

  • save email logins, passwords, bank account IDs, etc.
  • save personal information (name, address, credit card numbers, etc)
  • secure your email logins, bank accounts, personal information
  • fill online webforms automatically
  • login to sites automatically
  • generate strong passwords
  • Save email logins, passwords, bank account IDs, etc.

    First of all, in today's electronic world, it is extremely easy to have a lot of logins and accounts to remember: email logins, bank accounts, forum logins, etc. One can either remember them, or use a password manager to save them to its database.

    Save personal information (name, address, credit card numbers, etc)

    A password manager can not only save email logins and bank accounts, but also all kinds of personal information, mostly used for filling query forms, like name, last name, birthday date, age, phone, address, work information, credit card number, PIN codes and so on. Later, this information can be used for filling online forms when signing-up for an email account, creating an account on a job searching site, etc.

    Secure your email logins, personal information, etc.

    After the email logins and passwords, bank accounts are saved, a password manager stores them in a database, encrypted using strong encryption algorithm. Usually, it is the 128-bit Blowfish encryption algorithm, a wide-spread cipher. It is virtually impossible to access the secured database, unless its not a strong one, when using encryption.

    Fill online webforms automatically

    Having all kinds of personal information saved and secured by a password manager, one can easily fill online webforms and fields with it. In the Handy Password password manager, one does it by simply clicking the "Fill" button when forms need to be filled, and the "Select" button (near the "Fill" button), when personal information needs to be used to fill query fields.

    Login to sites automatically

    Often, a password manager has a built-in bookmark manager. As common bookmarks allow going to a site from anywhere, a bookmark, created by a password manager, can be used not only to visit the site, but to log into it automatically.

    Generate strong random passwords

    Though saving and securing everything one needs to remember, including email logins and personal information, by a password manager may seem enough, some password managers go further by offering a strong random password generator, which will increase your email and bank account security by providing unique passwords for every case. There is no question as to "how to remember these passwords", as they will be "remembered" by the password manager.

    Feel free to download Handy Password to try any of the above-mentioned features.

    Handy Password manager screenshots

    Save Myspace login with Handy Password Yahoo login storage with Handy Password Hotmail login and password recovery and saving with Handy Password Bank of America Online Banking Sign in
    More screenshots: automatic account login

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