Handy Password 4.9

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Handy Password 4.9

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USB Password Manager

What are the benefits?
Portable: Installed on a USB flash drive
Mobile: Can be used on any PC
Secure: Once the USB drive is removed, all traces are removed from PC

A USB password manager is an application located on USB drive, used to save site login passwords, fill online webforms with them and submit webmail logins automatically.

All logins, passwords and other personal data are usually saved to a encrypted database, so passwords cannot be stolen from client computer bacause they are not there.

A password manager for USB can also have additional features, like a strong random password generator, a bookmark manager, an option to print cards, etc. Nowadays, some password managers are related to a popular trend of Internet Explorer and FireFox toolbars used for password saving.

One example of usb password manager is Handy Password USB Edition


Secure password storage PASSWORD STORAGE
Password manager for USB key PORTABLE PASSWORD MANAGER
Form filler


Autologin function of Handy Password Manager AUTOMATIC LOGIN
IE toolbar, Firefox toolbar BROWSER TOOLBAR
Random password generator RANDOM PASSWORD GENERATOR
Login to site through it's bookmark BOOKMARK MANAGER
Password security


Online password storage ONLINE PASSWORD DATABASE
Handy Password features MORE FEATURES...
Handy Password box
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Coming soon:

  1. 1. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Handy Password Adblock
  2. 2. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Autosave open pages
  3. 3. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Backup Handy Password
  4. 4. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Cleaning Traces

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