Download a Password Generator

Click to download password generator

Here you can download a password generator to make sure all your web accounts are reliably protected against hacking attempts. The password generator of Handy Password creates strong passwords according to the criteria specified by the user. The personal information that you publish on the web is only as secure as the password that your use to login to your web account, so do not hesitate to download our password generator and try it for free within 30 days.

Why download password generator

To provide maximum security of your personal information, it is recommended to always use strong passwords for your web accounts. However, it is not always an easy task to think of a password that would satisfy all password security standards. These standards include length of the password, usage of special symbols such as digits, upper case or lower case, etc.

So it may be pretty hard to think of a strong password, and it can be still harder to remember it.

If you download the password generator of Handy Password, you will be able to create stronger passwords and you won't have to remember them as the autosubmit function of Handy Password allows submitting your passwords automatically.

If you want to always keep your personal information on the web secure, download our password generator and never fear personal data loss!

Click here to download HandyPassword.exe (2.5 MB).

Click here for more information on Handy Password.


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Autologin function of Handy Password Manager AUTOMATIC LOGIN
IE toolbar, Firefox toolbar BROWSER TOOLBAR
Random password generator RANDOM PASSWORD GENERATOR
Login to site through it's bookmark BOOKMARK MANAGER
Password security


Online password storage ONLINE PASSWORD DATABASE
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Coming soon:

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  2. 2. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Autosave open pages
  3. 3. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Backup Handy Password
  4. 4. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Cleaning Traces

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