Password Security

A recent survey reported by the BBC suggests that more than half of computer users never change their passwords, and many use words that can be easily guessed.

How to Frustrate Password Crackers

Tips to frustrate hackers; here are some tips to ensure that your account is not the weak account that the hackers of the world compromise.

Why Change is Good; At Least For Your Passwords

If you're like most people, you use the same username and password for all your website registrations and possibly even for your email accounts. Most respectable websites have privacy policies, as do most fraudulent ones. The validity of privacy statements are only as honorable as the people behind the websites.

Parental Controls And Blocking Software Are Only As Good as Your Password

Many parents use and indeed rely on the various technological measures used by internet companies to prevent children's access to adult materials. These include parental access controls, blocking and filtering software, and activity logs. But some parents can forget that since they have to use a password in order to access, edit or set-up these features on their internet service, that password is the only thing preventing their children from getting the same access!

Surfing Safely

People are lazy by nature. This is true especially as far as choosing passwords are concern. When we sign up for online services such as e-mail, chat, etc. we for the purpose of convenience opt to choose the easier to remember passwords.

Handy Password manager screenshots

Save Myspace login with Handy Password Yahoo login storage with Handy Password Hotmail login and password recovery and saving with Handy Password Bank of America Online Banking Sign in
More screenshots: automatic account login


Secure password storage PASSWORD STORAGE
Password manager for USB key PORTABLE PASSWORD MANAGER
Form filler


Autologin function of Handy Password Manager AUTOMATIC LOGIN
IE toolbar, Firefox toolbar BROWSER TOOLBAR
Random password generator RANDOM PASSWORD GENERATOR
Login to site through it's bookmark BOOKMARK MANAGER
Password security


Online password storage ONLINE PASSWORD DATABASE
Handy Password features MORE FEATURES...
Handy Password box
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Coming soon:

  1. 1. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Handy Password Adblock
  2. 2. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Autosave open pages
  3. 3. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Backup Handy Password
  4. 4. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Cleaning Traces

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