Handy Password 4.9

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Handy Password 4.9

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Awards Handy Password

Password Store

Due to a rapid proliferation of web-based services, the amount of information that you send and retrieve from the web has increased, and so many users desperately need a password store location where they could keep not only their passwords, but all other important data such as logins, addresses, phone numbers, credit card details and suchlike.

Handy Password is the password storage software with the automatic password store function which allows storing all your personal information in a secure database and managing it on the web, while surfing the Internet in a most convenient and secure way. With the password store function of our software, you will always be able to save your passwords for automatic filling of web forms the next time you visit this or that website, blog, social network or an online store.

This raises an issue of secure information storage. Keeping all your personal data in a file is not a good idea because the file can be opened by any individual who happens to use your computer at the time.

Handy Password is available on a free trial basis,
which means you can download it and use for free within 30 days!


Secure password storage PASSWORD STORAGE
Password manager for USB key PORTABLE PASSWORD MANAGER
Form filler


Autologin function of Handy Password Manager AUTOMATIC LOGIN
IE toolbar, Firefox toolbar BROWSER TOOLBAR
Random password generator RANDOM PASSWORD GENERATOR
Login to site through it's bookmark BOOKMARK MANAGER
Password security


Online password storage ONLINE PASSWORD DATABASE
Handy Password features MORE FEATURES...
Handy Password box
Download latest version

Coming soon:

  1. 1. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Handy Password Adblock
  2. 2. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Autosave open pages
  3. 3. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Backup Handy Password
  4. 4. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Cleaning Traces

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