Latest news about Handy Password

  • version updates
  • new pages added to the site: articles, screenshots, tips, etc.
  • Login to your web mail easily


    Login to your web mail services automatically with a handy password manager. Create an e-mail card and use it to login to your mail with a single click, employing the card as a bookmark.

    Hotmail sign-in problems?


    An article touching upon solutions to Hotmail sign-in problems has been issued. Solve your Hotmail sign-in problems and login to Hotmail automatically.

    Login to Google services automatically


    A page enlighting how to login to any of the Google services automatically was added to the article list.

    Login to any site automatically


    Login automaticaly to any site with a handy password manager.

    Password manager benefits


    A page featuring benefits of a password manager has been added. Login to online banking, email services automatically, fill forms with any personal information and much more.

    How to create strong passwords yourself


    An article dwelling upon how you can create secure passwords and remember them yourself.

    Online shopping: safe, secure and easy


    An article discussing how you can make your online shopping safe, secure and easy using a handy password manager and several useful tips.

    Bank of America online banking


    An article describing how you can login to your Bank of America online banking automatically. Basically, it may be applicable to any online banking service, like Wachovia.

    New version released


    New version, Handy Password 3.2.0 has been released. Now you can save and fill form details automatically.

    Awarded Five Stars at


    The software directory has given us a Five Stars award.

    New version released


    New version, Handy Password 3.1.0, has been released. Now you can create custom email cards right after installing Handy Password and login to your mail service automatically right away.

    Handy Password manager screenshots

    Save Myspace login with Handy Password Yahoo login storage with Handy Password Hotmail login and password recovery and saving with Handy Password Bank of America Online Banking Sign in
    More screenshots: automatic account login


    Secure password storage PASSWORD STORAGE
    Password manager for USB key PORTABLE PASSWORD MANAGER
    Form filler


    Autologin function of Handy Password Manager AUTOMATIC LOGIN
    IE toolbar, Firefox toolbar BROWSER TOOLBAR
    Random password generator RANDOM PASSWORD GENERATOR
    Login to site through it's bookmark BOOKMARK MANAGER
    Password security


    Online password storage ONLINE PASSWORD DATABASE
    Handy Password features MORE FEATURES...
    Handy Password box
    Download latest version

    Coming soon:

    1. 1. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Handy Password Adblock
    2. 2. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Autosave open pages
    3. 3. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Backup Handy Password
    4. 4. [an error occurred while processing this directive]Cleaning Traces

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